CGTN报道蒙顶山茶  中国茶文化:传承四川茶文化振兴传统茶产业
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CGTN报道蒙顶山茶 中国茶文化:传承四川茶文化振兴传统茶产业



The tea culture in Ya'an, in southwest China, has long been renowned. In recent years, local government efforts have helped preserve and promote the environment as well as the traditional craftsmanship of the historic tea-producing areas. This initiative has also grown the local industry in a sustainable way. Our reporter Gong Ming has this report.

Mengding Mountain in Ya'an City is considered one of the cradles of Chinese tea culture. It's home to over 300 varieties of native Sichuan tea plants, which date back to the Western Han Dynasty over 2,000 years ago. In 2021, Ya'an designated 300 hectares of the tea gardens located above 800 meters altitude on Mengding Mountain as the core area for cultivating native tea plants, with the aim to preserve its authenticity and cultural heritage.

ZHOU XIANWEN Chairman of Sichuan Guangju Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. "Firstly, there's a strict policy against excessive development here. In these tea gardens, we don't use pesticides, and instead, we use organic fertilizers without any chemical ones. Our goal is to preserve the ecological balance of Mengding Mountain."

Apart from ecological considerations, the emphasis on preserving traditional skills ensures the quality of Mengding Mountain tea. At a local tea culture exchange center, the whole process is demonstrated - from stirring, rolling, to drying the tea leaves using a hot iron pan. It takes about 2 to 3 hours to produce approximately 750 grams of tea leaves.

JIANG DAN Ya'an Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor "Making tea by hand allows you to directly feel the changes in the tea leaves. Each batch is different, and each time brings new insights. Once you understand how tea behaves, applying this knowledge to machine processing becomes much easier. This also shows how handcrafting skills can help improve the quality of machine-produced tea."

The delightful taste of Mengding Mountain tea owes a lot to its unique brewing and serving techniques. One of the tea masters demonstrated this using a long spout teapot, which involves 18 distinct postures. This has become a hallmark in Sichuan's traditional tea culture.

WANG FEI National Tea Master "This tea brewing technique mimics various forms of dragons, capturing the feeling of dragons soaring and dancing. It integrates the spirit of dragons into martial arts, dance, and Zen philosophy. Then, the water flows out through a 1-meter-long spout, perfectly brewing the delicate buds and leaves from Mengding Mountain, achieving the finest infusion of tea."

Through the preservation and centralized management of the Mengding Mountain tea gardens, tea quality in the region has significantly improved, enhancing the market reputation of locally produced tea. One of the leading brands from the Mengding Mountain tea garden has been exported to 33 countries and regions worldwide.

Gong Ming, CGTN, Ya'an, Sichuan province.




四川广聚农业发展有限公司董事长 周先文: “首先,我们这里严禁过度开发。我们茶园不使用农药,全部使用有机肥,不使用任何化学肥料。我们的目标是维护蒙顶山的生态平衡。”


雅安市非物质文化遗产传承人 蒋丹 :“手工制茶可以让你直接感受到茶叶的变化。每一批茶叶都是不同的,每一次都有新的领悟。一旦你了解了茶叶的制作方式,将这些知识运用到机器加工中就变得容易多了。这也说明了手工技术如何帮助提高机制茶的品质。”


国家级茶艺师 王霏: “这种倒茶方法模仿了各种龙的形态,捕捉了龙腾飞舞的感觉。它将龙的精神融入武术、舞蹈和禅宗哲学中。然后,水通过1米长的壶嘴流出,完美地冲泡蒙顶山的嫩芽和叶子,达到最细腻的茶味。”



